Marshall : feature request and bug list
The required features for each of the Marshall aims were last re-ordered to reflect their order of priority on 2013-05-07.
Note "Desirements" = Low priority features that may or may not get implemented.
Aims, Status & Feature requests
Aim 1:
Eliminating the need to manually trawl the internet and mailing lists for new transient alerts by **auto ingesting and cross correlating transient source metadata** from across the web.
Automated Ingests
ATels (names and coordinates)
Automated Ingests
Bright SN List
Atels that have no associated object in marshall?
In-house Machine Classification - use QUB Transient Classifier to add valuable contextual information
RA & DEC Search:
Add postage stamps from PS1 (better coverage than SDSS) to show pre-discovery imaging
Tell user when a duplicate is entered (after the form is submitted)
Links to Vizier, NED etc
A form for 'amateur' astronomers to submit their discoveries
Confirmation of classification of AA objects - credit given to the first discoverer
Aim 2:
Provide an intuitive, simple workflow for moving transient sources around various lists, each representing a phase of the pessto observational campaign for the objects.
Workflow now fairly mature with fewer reports of bugs
Users now familiar and comfortable with the workflow
Labels show the associated lists an individual object can be found in
A label showing the PI(s) for an individual object
Firefox / Safari compatibility
Responsive design for those using the pages on smaller screens / low resolution screens (e.g. at La Silla)
Sort on columns (mag, last obs, first obs, RA, object age)
Display the history of an object - when it was ingested, updated, moved, classified, observed etc.
A simple table view to give a clearer summary view of each list
Drag and drop capability to move a ticket into another list
A crumb trail link that will explode all associated object URLs into new background tabs of your browser
include mailto: links on each object ticket to request time on other partner survey telescopes (SMARTS, WiFeS, Gemini etc)
Aim 3:
Provide the tools and functions required to add and edit various forms of metadata to each object, including text comments, images and FITS files.
comments included and bugs fixed
Make the various parameters and object attributes editable within the web-interface (i.e. no need to email Dave)
Upload form / drag and drop capability for each object ticket to included FITS files and images and other attachments to individual objects
A top level status comment for PIs to updated
Aim 4:
Provide automated helper tools for observers including a finder chart builder, observeability plots, priority lists, OBs, PDF views, plain text tables etc.
Ability to sort is present but awkward
Finder charts manually linked from the wiki
Priority Scheduler
Develop a priority scheduler for the followup and classification target lists
Implement Andrea’s automated ranking score given for each object - a traffic light system to quickly tell good candidates from semi-rubbish ones.
The ability to manually change the priority (overriding APs ranking system) of the object shall be included.
constantly update object priorities (that change with time: younger = better) and cadence of observations for each object, rescheduling targets based on this information.
Auto-created finder charts, with blind off-sets etc
PDF export
Plain text view/export of the various object lists
Ability to auto generated ATel text based on objects selected.
Auto-generate the OBs for each object
Fix SDSS image issue (have server save the images and browsers cache)
Make lightcurve plots - either our own or pull in jpegs linked from html pages. data taken from feeder surveys & a form for pessto members to add extra points
Setup automated replication of the Marshall DB, Webpages and data with Trieste.
Automate the ESO required end-of-run excel observer reports
Sky map of targets - objects hyperlinked to entry in html table.
Aim 5:
Act as a mediator between the NTT Pipeline, the IA2 archive and WiseRep.
Marshall-IA2 MySQL Replication functioning
Code to ingest and associate NTT Pipeline output with PESSTO objects 50% complete
write a script to automatically download data from eso
automate delivery of fast/final spectra to IA2 and WiseRep
provide links from the Marshall tickets to images on WiseRep and data in IA2
produce an automated nightlog from the headers of the raw fits files downloaded from ESO
Aim 6:
Provide a birds-eye view statistics pages of the pessto objects database including rates and plots.
Some code in place for basic stats
provide auto-updating plots of stats and rates
provide quick download links for tarball of plots and ascii files of stats for presentations etc
Bug List
Absolute mag does not appear in either "Queued for ATEL" or "Classified" pages (for hosts where this is available)
Very minor: Added LSQ12emi, added to observation targets, classified, selected "ATEL released". At some point, the target picked up a second alias. Currently in classified list.
Aliases (AKA) do not appear under the primary when a duplicate is entered (so user has no idea where their object went)
Can't see older comments for a target if they are longer than the height of the target's "box" in the Marshall (i.e. no scrolling option for comments).
Recently Fixed Bugs
20121123, 10:28 AM : Semi-colon in comment will truncate comment at that point!