Night report page - 20131014
Observers: Cosimo Inserra, Ting-Wan Chen
Support team: M. Nicholl, S. Smartt
TAT on duty: Nancy Elias-Rosa, Morgan Fraser
Subrun 3, night 2
Instruments: SOFI
beginning: wind speed 2.8m/s; humidity 26%; cloudy
middle: wind speed 7.4m/s; humidity 17%; cloudy
end: wind speed 7.6m/s; humidity 18%; cloudy
Target Type UT Filter/Grism Slit Seeing Grade (A/B/C) Comments
started at 23:30, but clouds affected focus
SN2012ca FOLLOW-UP 00:09 JHK - 1" A (telescope re-rotated, started again last two cycle, don't use the 9th frame of K-band)
HIP103361 STD 01:30 BG/RG 1. 1" A
SN2013fq FOLLOW-UP 01:38 BG/RG 1. 1" A
SN2013fs FOLLOW-UP 04:26 JHK - 1" A
SN2009ip FOLLOW-UP 04:57 HK - 1.1" A
Feige110 STD 05:51 BG/RG 1. 1" B (RG probably useless due to clouds in the direction of the target)
HIP012867 STD 06:04 BG/RG 1. 1" A (We observed this STD twice by mistake)
SN2013fc FOLLOW-UP 06:18 BG/RG 1. 1" B (RG cycle 9 out of 12)
Note: pixel scale of SOFI (large field) is 0.288 "/pixel