Night report 2017-08-20
Observers: David Homan, Joe Lyman
TAT: Giorgos Leloudas, Morgan Fraser
Support team: Giorgos Leloudas
Calibrations: biases, dome arcs, flats (evening: BgR, morning: U)
Conditions: Largely clear, cirrus around horizon. Seeing erratic at start of night, ~1.5",
imporoved and settled to ~1-1.2 at 3:30
UT Target Type Comment
23:15 PS17egl followup g16+g11, U band
01:35 EG274 standard
02:00 AT2017gfg classification Ia ~max
02:20 SMT17rza classification Ia ~max
02:45 ATLAS17jof classification Ia ~max
03:05 AT2017fym classification Ia post-max
03:35 image analysis
03:50 SMT17sct classification IIb pre-max
04:15 AT2017gaw followup g11
04:50 ATLAS17jon classification Ia ~max
05:10 ATLAS17joq classification Ia post-max
05:30 PS17ebg classification galaxy spectrum
06:00 DES16C3cje followup i band
07:00 AT2017jbu followup g11
08:10 AT2017gbb classification Ia post-max
08:20 AT2017fzw followup g11+g16
09:05 AT2016gci followup g13
09:30 AT2016gbo classification Ia post-max
09:50 VMA2 standard