Night report 2025-01-23

Observers: Simon de Wet, Hannah Wichern

Support: Giorgos Leloudas

TAT:  Sara Faris, Thallis de Lourenço Pessi, Giuliano Pignata

Beginning (UT 00:40): relative humidity = 44%, temperature = 15.3  degrees Celsius, windspeed = 4.5 m/s, seeing = 1.2

Middle (UT 05:00): relative humidity = 15%, temperature = 16.3 degrees Celsius, windspeed = 2.4 m/s, seeing = 1.3

End (UT 08:30): relative humidity = 11%, temperature = 16.0 degrees Celsius, windspeed = 2.4 m/s, seeing = 0.9

Calibrations: Bias, dome flats, arcs (gr#11, gr#13, gr#13+GG495, gr#16, gr#16+OG530) 

Comments: classification spectrum of AT2025yn was mistakenly done with gr#13 instead of gr#11.

Night report 2025-01-23.xlsx