Observers: Nadia Blagorodnova, Matthew Nicholl, Simon Hodgkin
Sunset: UT 23:20 / Twilight 00:34 - 09:15 / Sunrise 10:29 LST 6-16hrs
Classification Followup Stds: Tech probs
All times in this report approximate UT (Chilean time currently UT - 3hrs)
EFOSC: All OBs in the 188.D-3003(Q)/VM/EFOSC2 directory on the observers OB Execution machine (wg5dhs)
On wg5dhs - OBs held in /home/visitor/p2pp-impex/nblago
Phot std finders at
Afternoon Calibrations
UT: 1424 - Bias runs - PESSTO_bias (11 bias frames - execution time 6 mins)
UT: 1446 - Dome Flats and Spec Flats
UT: 1641 - HeAr Arcs
Planned Twilight Calibrations
UT: 2320 - no clouds - beautiful night
UT: 2324 - Sky Flats - PESSTO_SkyFF_eve_UBVRi-0 .. aborted after V - taking too long
UT: 2351 Focus on l745a
UT: 0011 - l745a - Spec flux std - g11/13/16 with 1as slit (15m OB)
UT: 0031 - FollowUp LSQ12hot g13 (30m exp)
just a comment - lots of these follow-up OBs spend an awful lot of time on flats afterwards, for example this one has 4 flats which take 10 minutes ! Can we speed this up ? Brighter lamp ? Accept fewer exposures ? Fewer counts ? The manual states explicitly that they are needed for Gr#16, but not for the other gratings. However the templates for the follow-ups include them.
UT: 0110 - FollowUp LSQ12hxg (only 1 x 40min exposure)
UT: 0212 - FollowUp OGLE-2013-SN-019 now bumped up the list with GR#11 2 x 30 mins
comment: we offset the second exposure slightly towards the other galaxy (<1as) following a conversation with LW (Ogle) and blinking the difference and master cutouts.
UT: 0340 - Classification OGLE-18 (25m)
UT: 0408 - FollowUp SSS130304:114445-203141 (1h)
UT: 0510 - image analysis (we postponed it while observing at high airmass)
UT: 0535 - Classification PSNJ09271379-1931599 (12m)
UT: 0602 - Classification SSS130311:130508-375705
UT: 0615 - Switch to SOFI
UT: 0643 - FollowUp SN2012ca BG
UT: ~0810 - Hip044487 Telluric STD
UT: 0828 - EG274 flux standard
UT: 0840 - Hip 084988 Telluric STD
UT: 0849 - FollowUp SN2012ca RG
UT: 1026 - End scientific observing : lost guiding due to bright sky.