Night report page - 20131024
Observers: Massimo Turatto, Susanna Spiro
Support team: S.Benetti, N.Elias-Rosa
TAT on duty: Morgan Fraser, Kate Maguire
Subrun 1, night 2
Instruments: EFOSC2
beginning: wind speed 8 m/s; humidity 31 % ; some cirrus not photometric
middle: wind speed 13 m/s; humidity 8 %; thin clouds
end: wind speed 12 m/s; humidity 31%; few clouds
wind limitations starting soon after beginning. Forced to avoid targets in NE quadrant
EFOSC2 bias avg~210, std~10, no pattern
EFOSC2 Spectroscopic flats and arcs
OBSERVATIONS: start regularly at twilight
EFOSC2 Skyflats UVi ok
Target Type UT Filter/Grism Slit Seeing Grade (A/B/C) Comments
at beginning image analysis fails because seeing too bad (1.9")
LTT7339 STD 23.30 gm 11,13,16 1.0,1.5 1.3 A gm11 spec (only) is inclined !!
the operator realigns the gm11 - afternoon calibrations should be ignored
SSS120810-23-1802-560926 follow-up 00.18 B,V 1.2-1. A long sequence, no jitter
SN2009ip follow-up 02.58 BBVRi 1.5
Ogle-2013-SN-079 follow-up 04.00 Vriz deep 1.4 A
VMA2 STD 05.00 gm 11,13,16 1.0,1.5 A
Ogle-2013-SN-095 classif - barely visible in 1min without filter - too faint -NOT attempted
Ogle-2013-SN-016 follow-up - no guiding star found - differently from Erkky, Cosimo, and Nick W., no solution.
LSQ13crf classif 06.00 gm13 1.0 A
Ogle-2013-SN-103 classif 06.40 gm13 1.0 1.4 B poor S/N, clouds, classified as Ic
Ogle-2013-SN-091 classif 07.20 gm13 1.0 A
Ogle-2013-SN-096 classif 07:48 gm13 1.0 A
LSQ13cpk classif 08:30 gm13 1.0 A
LTT3864 STD 08:49 gm 11,13,16 1.0,1.5 1.3 A
EFOSC2 Skyflats BR
EFOSC2 Spectroscopic flats and arcs (hopefully to be done by the daytime staff)