Night Report 2015-11-09
Observers: Michel Dennefeld, Jussi Harmanen
TO: Pablo Arias
TAT: Lluís Galbany, Kate Maguire
Data reducers: Seppo Mattila, Tuomas Kangas
Comments: Poor seeing throughout the night so concentrated on classifications and relatively bright follow-ups
with EFOSC. Strong wind prevented pointing towards north during the second half of the night.
UT Target Comment
- - griz sky flats
00:25 ASASSN-15sh gr 13 + slit 1.5, classification
00:48 ASASSN-15oi gr 13 + slit 1.5, follow-up
01:40 PS15ctw gr 13 + slit 1.5, classification
02:09 MASTERJ003918.04+035659.6 gr 11/16 + slit 1.5, follow-up
03:18 OGLE15ng gr 13 + slit 1.5, classification
03:44 OGLE-2014-SN-122 gr 13 + slit 1.5, follow-up
04:37 PS15cox gr 13 + slit 1.5, classification
05:08 PS15ctg gr 13 + slit 1.5, classification
05:37 CSS151109-032647-163538 gr 13 + slit 1.5, classification - check for possible progenitor star
06:28 OGLE15pf gr 13 + slit 1.5, classification
07:15 OGLE15oa gr 13 + slit 1.5, classification
07:58 CSS151109-101502+074830 gr 13 + slit 1.5, classification
- - BVRi sky flats
Classifications: ATel #8268