Observer: Francesco Taddia
Data reduction team: Mattias Ergon, Giorgos Leloudas, Jesper Sollerman
Observations with EFOSC2 all the night.
Dimm-Seeing >1.0" in the beginning of the night, 0.6"-0.7" at 03:00 UT, still below 1.0" at 05:00 UT and later
EFOSC2 bias, spectroscopic flat fields and arcs in afternoon
UT 00:00 EFOSC2 skyflats UBVRi (3 of 5 flats for i)
UT 00:32 focus and image analysis
**clouds, we skip the photometric standard
UT 00:50 SN2013F UBVRi (bright in VRi, faint in B but detected after a second exposure, not clearly
detected in U even after a second 400s exposure; telescope pointing not too distant from thick clouds and target at high airmass)
UT 01:15 LSQ13heq gr11 + gr16 (the telescope is pointed in the direction of thin clouds, however the SN is clearly detected in the 30 s acquisition image. gr11 spectrum shows some broad features and the narrow lines from the host. Decent S/N. gr16
spectrum of comparable quality.)
UT 03:05 OGLE-2012-SN-006 UBVRi + gr11 + gr16 (The target is in a region of the sky free of clouds. gr11 and gr16 spectra have good S/N, strong He I lines in emission.)
**mainly low clouds, better sky conditions
UT 05:05 SN2012hr gri (bright target, good S/N)
UT 05:10 STDPHOT RU152 UBVRigr (useful for SN2012hr and OGLE-2012-SN-006)
**clouds coming from N-E
UT 05:20 STDSPEC LTT3218 gr11+gr13+gr16 / slits 1.0" (10 min delay due to software problems)
UT 05:45 LSQ13fn UBVRi + gr11 (The SN was clearly identified in the images; 1h-exposure spectrum does not show WR features or other emission lines anymore, just a continuum with maybe a broad feature at ~6100-6200 Angstrom.)
**small clouds in all directions
UT 07:10 SN2012hs UBVRi + gr11 + gr16 (good S/N for spectra and UBV, in Ri bands the SN was not detected because of fast-moving clouds that covered the target)
**very cloudy
We attempted to classify PSN J13371970-2953486 but the target was behind the clouds
UT 08:40 STDSPEC LTT3864 gr11+gr13+gr16 / slits 1.0" (this was observable, although faint)
UT 09:00 sky completely covered by clouds, end of the observing