Discussion items and Questions
Management Plan
Finalising the plan
Finalising the teams and groups
Observing and data reduction plan - major commitment
Science goals - original proposal of 150 targets with excellent time series (and lightcurves). 2000 SNe classified from the feeder surveys. How do we select targets and how do we run the survey
Must be discovered early
See proposal and talk slides for breakdown
Do we have "Key Projects" based on this ?
Who gets to lead the papers ?
Suggestion - "Key Project" concept, with projects allocated to those groups carrying the work burden
Target Selection and time allocation
How do we select and prioritise targets ?
How do we "allocate" time to objects, and projects
EFOSC2 spectroscopic settings - 1, 2 or 3 ?
Archiving and data release
Data products are only released publicly when we ingest them into ESO archive - can be end of period
Raw data available world-wide immediately