Night report 2024-09 -08

Night report 2024-09-08

Observers: Mauricio Ramirez (UNAB), Bastian Ayala (UNAB)

Support: Raya Dastidar (UNAB), Amit Kumar (Warwick)

TAT: Lluís Galbany, Anwesha Sahu, Amit Kumar (Warwick)

Start: 23:47 UT, humidity 10.2%, wind speed 4.6 m/s, seeing 1

Middle: 4:51 UT, humidity 8.8%, wind speed 4.8 m/s, seeing 1.1 

End: 09:51 UT, humidity 8%, wind speed 9.6 m/s, seeing 1.3

Sky flat grz at the start of the night

Sky flat UBVRi at the end (morning)

UT target type setup slit exposures airmass seeing

23:47 eg131 STD g11-16-13 1-1.5 - 1.11 1.00

00:08 AT2024uzi class g11 1 1800 1.25 1.10

00:48 AT2024uxw class g13 1 900 1.09 1.20

01:11 AT2024uwq class g13 1 300 1.04 1.15

01:29 AT2024usx class g13 1 900 1.09 1.20

01:50 AT2024ulr class g13 1 900 1.71 1.20

02:13 AT2024ugd class g13 1 900 1.12 1.15

02:37 AT2024ugs class g13 1 1200 1.20 1.10

03:04 AT2022jzy follow up ph r-band - 5x200 1.45 1.05

03:45 Feige110 STD g11-16-13 1-1.5 - 1.13 1.20

04:00 SN2023zzn follow up ph r-band - 9x200 1.69 1.17

04:51 AT2024ufy class g13 1 600 1.05 1.10

05:11 AT2024ueo class g13 1 300 1.75 1.25

05:31 AT2024tzb class g13 1 600 1.14 1.03

05:45 AT2024ulb class g13 1 900 1.06 1.00

06:10 AT2024tzd class g13 1 900 1.66 1.34

06:39 AT2024uad class g13 1 900 1.10 1.10

06:58 AT2024uns class g13 1 600 1.11 1.20

07:18 AT2024uhx class g13 1 900 1.44 1.20

07:40 AT2024uki class g13 1 900 1.28 1.10

08:06 AT2024uae class g13 1 900 1.16 1.10

08:28 AT2024tyd class g13 1 600 1.05 1.10

08:49 AT2024txv class g13 1 600 1.32 1.20

09:07 AT2024qtn class g13 1 900 1.28 1.15

09:31 AT2024twn class g13 1 900 1.24 1.30