Night Report 2018-11-14
Observers: M. Berton, E. Congiu
Support: S. Benetti, A. Fiore, A. Pastorello
TAT: R. Cartier, J. Chen
Standard EFOSC calibrations - biases, dome flats, BVgriz sky flats and arcs (evening and morning)
Start - between clear and thin clouds, seeing - 0.7
Middle - clear, seeing - 1
End - clear, seeing - 1.1
Instrument - EFOSC
UT Target Type Setup airmass seeing notes
24.20 Feige110 STD all 1.10 0.7
24.40 AT2018ilu class gr13 1.2 0.7 Ia-norm
24.55 AT2018fyk follow gr11 1.1 0.7
01.45 AT2018fyk follow gr11 1.1 0.7
02.30 AT2018gea follow gr13 1.1 0.7 AGN
03.00 AT2018ihs class gr13 1.8 1.0 Ia-norm
03.20 SN2018hti follow gr11 1.5 1.0
04.10 telescope focus
04.15 SN2018hti follow gr16 1.5 0.8
05.15 SN2018rw follow BVri 1.1 0.8
06.10 SN2018gvm follow gr13 1.2 1.1
06.50 SN2018eph follow gr13 1.2 1.0
07.25 AT2018hyz follow gr11+16 2.1 - not visible in the acquisition image
07.35 AT2017cai class gr13 1.0 1.0 type II?
07.55 LTT3864 STD all 1.5 1.2
08.04 AT2018ikn class gr13 1.3 1.0 AGN