Observers: Nadia Blagorodnova, Matthew Nicholl
Sunset: UT 23:04 / Twilight 00:16 - 09:25 / Sunrise 10:37 LST 6-16hrs
Classification Followup Stds: Tech probs
All times in this report approximate UT (Chilean time currently UT - 3hrs)
EFOSC: All OBs in the 188.D-3003(Q)/VM/EFOSC2 directory on the observers OB Execution machine (wg5dhs)
On wg5dhs - OBs held in /home/visitor/p2pp-impex/nblago
Phot std finders at
UT: 21:00 SOFI dome flats, arcs
Weather not great, quite cloudy.
UT: 0000 FollowUp SN2013ak JHK (8 min)
UT: 0005 Telluric std Hip016344 (5 min)
UT: 0015 Flux std LTT3218 (10 min)
UT: 0025 FollowUp SN2012fr BG + JHK (1h + 1h)
30s acquisition image in J band - SN not visible. Repeated acquistion with 45s exposure. Possible detection but very marginal. Began OB and checked first spectrum for trace. No sign, so cancelled OB and moved to photometry, increasing the number of exposures in the hope of getting something useful.
UT: 0120 BEGIN PHOT ON SN2012fr (1h)
UT: 0210 FollowUp SN2013K JHK (1h)
UT: 0310 Change to EFOSC
Clouds are gone!
Image analysis
UT: 0340 FollowUp SN2013ak UBV (5 min)
UT: 0345 Flux std L745a (15 min)
UT: 0400 FollowUp PSNJ13540068-0755438 Gr#11+16 (40 min)
UT: 0440 FollowUp SN2013K UB (30 min)
UT: 0515 FollowUp SSS130304:114445-203141 Gr#11+16 (2h 15min)
UT: 0730 FollowUp SN2013K Gr#13 and UB (1h 20 min)
UT: 0855 FollowUp SN2012ca Gr#13 (50 min)
UT: 0950 Flux std eg274 (10 min)
UT: 1000 Arcs (4 min)
Finished at 1020.