Night report 2017-03-06
Observers: Anders Nyholm, Cristina Barbarino
TAT on duty: Joe Anderson, Lluís Galbany
Support team: Francesco Taddia, Christoffer Fremling, Jesper Sollerman
Daytime calibrations: PESSTO_SOFI_SpecArc
Morning calibrations: PESSTO_calib, PESSTO_bias
Weather: Some thin clouds at sunset. Clouds varying a bit, but almost gone around 02:35 UT.
Seeing: 0.8 arcsec (23:42 UT), 1.0 arcsec (03:40 UT), 1.0 arcsec (07:40 UT)
UT/Target/RA/DEC/time spent(min)/slit/grism or filter, description
00:12 SN2016ija 04:12:07.62 -32:51:10.9 66 JHK, onoff-0
01:19 SOFI image analysis, unsuccessful due to some clouds. Database values used instead.
01:54 SN2016ija 04:12:07.62 -32:51:10.9 45 IR spectroscopy, blue grism
02:40 HIP 31280 06:33:38.54 -39:38:30.7 5 Telluric standard, IR spectrum.
02:46 ATLAS17bas 11:07:35.49 +22:51:04.4 12 JHK, less90-0
02:57 AT2016jbu 07:36:25.96 -69:32:55.2 22 JHK, on-off.
03:20 SN2016hvl 06:44:02.16 +12:23:47.8 63 HK, on source. Down to airmass 2.9. Separation 8 deg from the Moon.
04:16 AT2017abw 09:39:27.20 -29:29:23.3 85 JHK, on source.
05:33 EG274 16:23:33.75 -39:13:47.5 11 Flux standard, IR.
05:50 VVV 2013 17:07:18.91 -39:06:26.4 85 JHK, on source.
07:03 Switch to EFOSC
07:36 AT2017aym 14:37:41.77 +02:17:08.4 30 Gr13, classification. Clear trace. Old SN Type IIP (cf. Gaia light curve), reddened spectrum. Host redshift 0.0056 (SIMBAD value).
07:57 ATLAS17bkb 15:20:07.83 +11:52:37.5 23 Gr13, classification. Clear trace. SN Type Ia, around max. Host redshift 0.075 (SDSS value).
08:17 ATLAS17bja 11:23:30.80 -08:39:11.5 14 Gr13, classification. Clear trace. Young SN Type II, blue spectrum. Host redshift 0.012 (SIMBAD value).
08:30 AT2017blk 11:21:39.83 -05:38:15.8 23 Gr13, classification. Clear trace. SN Type Ia, post max. Host redshift 0.0549 (SIMBAD value).
08:51 AT2017bxs 11:00:16.06 -56:34:25.1 12 Gr13, classification. Clear trace. Stellar.
09:00 EG274 16:23:33.75 -39:13:47.5 13 Gr11+gr13+gr16, standard.