Night report page - 20130404
Observers: Stefan Taubenberger, Stephan Hachinger
Data reduction team: Nancy Elias-Rosa, Antonia Morales-Garoffolo
3rd regular night of subrun with EFOSC
Observations w/o problems unless noted otherwise (**).
initial weather cond: humidity ~20%, wind ~10m/s, clear sky
middle-of-night weather cond: humidity ~18%, wind ~10m/s, clear sky
late-night weather cond: humidity ~15%, wind ~8m/s, clear sky
afternoon PESSTO_calib and PESSTO_bias OBs executed
slit position - specpol OB executed
UT 23:00 start of night
UT 23:00 [specpstd HD 80558] gr13
** half-wave plate stuck
** removed half-wave plate manually in dome, lost ~50min until problem identified &
UT 23:55 [std l745a]
** did not find star due to proper motion. aborted.
UT 00.00 acq OGLE-2013-SN-016
** rotated by rotator offset angle = 160° (Tried different angles manually in
telescope control, starting from parallactic rot. offset angle = 167° and moved
guide probe around until finally a guide star was found. due to several error msgs
etc. etc. this all took 50 min.)
--- SEEING DIMM 0.8-1.2'', image 1.1'' ---
UT 00.50 followup OGLE-2013-SN-016 airmass=1.8 gr11 sl 1.0''
UT 02:30 classif. LSQ13sd airmass=1.7 gr13 sl 1.0''
* used narrowslit acq. template, slit pos y = 992
--- SEEING image 1.1'' ---
UT 03:15 std. LTT3864 airmass=1.0 gr11/16/13[x2] sl 1.0''
* used narrowslit acq. template, slit pos y = 992
UT 03:35 acq. SN2013ak and LSQ13th
** unclear problems with telescope / control sw, lost 40min
--- SEEING DIMM 0.7'', image 1.2'' ---
UT 04:15 classif. LSQ13th airmass=1.6 gr13 sl 1.0''
** used movetoslit acq. template to exclude that this causes the problems
--- focus sequence ---
--- SEEING image 1.0'' ---
UT 05:00 followup LSQ13fn airmass=1.2 gr13 sl 1.0''
* used narrowslit acq. template, slit pos y = 992
--- SEEING DIMM 0.8'', image 1.3'' ---
UT 07:20 followup LSQ13sj airmass=1.8 gr13 sl 1.0''
* used narrowslit acq. template, slit pos y = 992
--- SEEING DIMM 0.8'' ---
UT 09:20 class CSS130403:150213+103846 airmass=1.7 gr13 sl 1.0''
* used narrowslit acq. template, slit pos y = 992
--- SEEING DIMM 0.8'', image 1.1'' ---
UT 09:55 std EG274 airmass=1.1 gr11/16/13[x2] sl 1.0''
* used narrowslit acq. template, slit pos y = 992
* obs in twilight
UT 10:15 arclamps
UT 10:40 end of night