Night Report 2019-03-18
Observers: Valéry Brinnel, Ana Sagués Carracedo, Cristina Barbarino
Support Team: LeonardoTartaglia, Jesper Sollerman
TAT: Regis Cartier, Joe Lyman
dome flat and arcs (evening)
arcs (morning)
Start: Humidity 30%, wind speed 2.0, seeing: 0.6, thin clouds
Middle (5 ut): Humidity 30%, wind speed 3.5, seeing: 0.8
End: Humidity 19%, wind speed 5.3, seeing: 1.2
The seeing value from the DIMM wasn't always reliable when compared with the images. In those cases, we were estimating the seeing from the acq images.
*Seeing estimated from the acq image.
Instrument - EFOSC2
UT Target Type Setup airmass Seeing(DIMM) texp notes
00:07 AT2018lna Follow-up gr13 1.6 0.8* 3x2700s Thin clouds during the first exposure.
02:44 L745a Std gr11+13+16+18+20,sl1+1.5 1.1 1
03:18 AT2019azh Follow-up gr11+16 1.9 1 1800s each Failed: We were not able to find it in the acquisition image, so we aborted it. Most likely because of the proximity to the moon.
04:21 ASASSN-18fv Follow-up BVRi 1.17 0.9* B(2x2.5)VRI(3x1s) Aborted due to saturation
04:29 ASASSN-18fv Follow-up BVRi 1.17 0.8* B(2x1)VRI(3x0.7s) We found out that there is a 'ghost shadow' affecting the nova from a saturated star in the field.
04:38 ASASSN-18fv Follow-up g11+16+18+20 1.18 0.8* g11+16(2x1)gr18+20(2x1.5)
04:56 ASASSN-18fv Follow-up BVRi 1.2 0.8* B(2x1)VRI(3x0.7s) To avoid the 'ghost' we decided to repeat the observation moving the saturated star outside of the field. Nova in unbinned pixels:X=1244,Y=1396
05:12 AT2019but Class gr13 1.3 0.7 900s Blue continuum ?
05:36 AT2019bwb Class gr13 1.1 0.7 600s Galaxy spectrum? We might have put the slit in the wrong position.
06:03 AT2019bsw Class gr13 1.3 0.8 900s Type II
06:22 ZTF19aailptb Class gr13 1.4 0.8* 1500s Blue continuum?
06:55 AT2019bwc Class gr13 1 1 600s Reddened transient?
07:13 ZTF19aamuvak Class gr13 1.3 0.8 1200s SNIa
07:38 ZTF19aalzvnu Class gr13 1.9 2.3 1500s Type II?
08:11 LTT7379 Std gr11+13+16+18+20,sl1+1.5 1.3 2
08:46 SN2017ivv Follow-up gr13 2.8 1.9 3x2700s Failed: No SN visible in the acquisition image
08:58 AT2019bwb Class gr13 2.1 1.5 600s We repeated the OB. Type II?
09:13 AT2019bys Class gr13 1.7 1.8* 1200s SNIa
09:52 AT2019bvu Class gr13 1 1.2 600s SNIa
10:03 End of the night