Night Report 2016-04-15
Observing: Mark Magee, Ira Bar
Support Team: Weizmann
TAT: Maria Teresa Botticella, Michel Dennefeld
Weather conditions
End of night: Cloudy, humidity ~52%, wind speed ~6.9m/s, seeing ~1.1"
Start of night: Thin clouds, humidity ~63%, wind speed ~5.5m/s, seeing ~1.0"
Middle of night: Cloudy, humidity ~53%, wind speed ~7.3m/s, seeing ~1.1"
Evening: PESSTO_bias, PESSTO_calib*, PESSTO_SOFI_specflat, PESSTO_SOFI_SpecArc
Morning: -
23:11 UT: Dome opened, image analysisÂ
23:23 UT: Follow up: Gaia16afe, B 300sx3, VRi 200sx3, seeing ~1.0"
00:22 UT: Follow up: SN2016aqf, gr13 900s, slit 1.0"
00:42 UT: Follow up: SN2015F, Vgri 200sx9 each, seeing ~0.9-1.1"
03:30 UT: Follow up: SN2016bln, gr11+16 900s each, slit 1.0"
04:16 UT: Spectroscopic standard: EG274
04:36 UT: Follow up: SN2016blz, gr11+16 900s each, slit 1.0"
05:21 UT: Spectroscopic standard: LTT7379
05:38 UT: Classification: AT2016bmi, gr13 600s, slit 1.0"
06:03 UT: Follow up: LSQ15adm, gr11 2700s, slit 1.0"
06:53 UT: Follow up: LSQ15adm, gr16 2700s, slit 1.0"
07:53 UT: Follow up: SN2015L, gr11 2700s, slit 1.5"
08:46 UT: Follow up: SN2015L, gr16 2700s, slit 1.5"
09:44 UT: Classification: AT2016blt, gr13 900s, slit 1.0"
10:05 UT: Dome closed
*There was a problem with the first set of flats taken so we ran the OB again.