Night report 2019-11-22

Observers: Thomas Wevers, Nada Ihanec, Matthew Temple,

Support Team: Emma Callis, Sean Brennan

TAT: Claudia Gutierrez, Stefan Taubenberger, Hanin Kuncarayakti


EFOSC daytime calibrations (biases, flats and arcs)

sky flats UBVi (evening twilight)

sky flats zrg (morning twilight)


Start: Humidity 40%, wind speed 3m/s, seeing: 0.8".

Middle: Humidity 18%, wind speed 7m/s , seeing 1.3 " 

End : Humidity 30%, wind speed  5m/s, seeing: 1.2"


On the food section: we had some nice chocolate cake and tasty fruits. 

Variable seeing through the night.
