Night Report 2016-09-30
Observing: Lawrence Short
Support Team: Simon Prentice & Phil James
TAT: Janet Chen & Nancy Elias-Rosa
Start of night: UT 00:03 = LST 20:01
Weather conditions
Start of night: A few clouds on horizon, seeing~1.0"
Middle of night: Clear, seeing~0.9"
End of night: a little cloudy, seeing~0.8"
Daytime: EFOSC bias, spec arcs and flats.
Evening: grz flats, use with the caution due to clouds
Morning: very cloudy
Started with EFOSC
23:40 Spec Std - LTT7379
00:06 Phot Std - marka
00:14 AT2016goj (classification) -- Type II
00:32 AT2016gsk (classification) --
00:49 AT2016grh (classification)
Switched to SOFI
01:20 CSS160904-230721+025428 (follow-up) JHK
02:23 Spec Std - Feige110
02:33 Hip006157 - Telluric Standard for SN2016gkg
02:40 SN2016gkg (follow-up) BG & RG
03:51 Hip006157 - Telluric Standard for SN2016gkg
03:56 SN2016gkg (follow-up) JHK
Switched back to EFOSC
04:23 AT2016gse (classification)
04:38 AT2016gsn (classification)
04:46 Phot Std - PG2336
04:56 Spec Std - Feige110
05:08 OGLE16dmu (follow-up) UVBRi
05:37 ASASSN-14ha (follow-up) BVR-18x100s, i-17x100s+1x100s
crashed on final i-band image so only took 17, so we took an extra 18th i-band image separately,
we know it exists as it is in the telescope log but we can't find where,
its called EFOSC_ImaJit275_0072.fits
08:57 Phot Std - PG0231
09:11 AT2016gtc (classification)
09:32 AT2016gsb (classification)
09:42 Spec Std - GD71
End of night: UT 09:01 = LST 05:00