Night Report 2015-04-17

Night Report 2015_04_17

Observers :  Szymon Prajs, Chris Frohmaier, Regis Cartier

Support team : Southampton

TAT : Annalisa De Cia, Lluís Galbany

All times in UT

Classifications in red

Start of night: Clear, photometric

During Night: Clear

End of night: Clear

Moon Illumination 0%

Sunset 22.30

20.16 PESSTO_bias

20.31 PESSTO_calib

22.41 PESSTO_SkyFF_UVi

23.08 PESSTOESO154, BVi 2.04 airmass


00.01 Standard PG1047, seeing  airmass 1.28, seeing 0.7

00.10 ASASSN-15go, Gr11+Gr16 seeing 0.8

01.16 2015F, Gr11+Gr16, UBVri, seeing 1.2

02.08 Standard L745a, Gr11+13+16, seeing 1.2

02.22 LSQ15abl, seeing 1.1 

02.38 ASASSN-15hf, seeing 1.0 

02.57 ASASSN-15ga, Gr11+16, seeing 1.1

03.34 LSQ15kp, 2xGr13, seeing 1.4

05.23 Standard PG1323, UBVRigrz, seeing 0.8

- We also performed image analysis on this field.

05.31 LSQ14an, BVRi, seeing 0.8, airmass 1.09

- We started our observations when the seeing was 0.8-0.9

- Seeing got progressively worse

- Finished on 1.4. Will observe again if necessary.

07.12 ASASSN-15he, Gr13, seeing 1.5 

07.24 Standard EG274 Gr11+16+13, 1.3

07.37 Standard PG1323, UBVRigrz, airmass 1.5, seeing 1.2

07.46 LSQ12adm, UBVri and Gr11+Gr16, seeing 1.5

09.26 LSQ15rw, Gr13, seeing 1.3, airmass 1.7

- Had to cancel after 2664s, sky too bright

10.21 PESSTO_SkyFF_mor_BR

10.39 PESSTO_calib