Night Report 2017-09-27
Observers: Kris Rybicki, Simon Hodgkin
TAT: Regis Cartier, Janet Chen
Support team: Morgan Fraser, Emma Callis
Calibrations: biases, dome arcs+flats - apparently some problem with flats
Conditions: Thick cloud, closed at sunset.
00:45 Opened! (still somewhat cloudy)
01:17 Seeing 0.9 arcsec
~01:20 Refocussed
~01:50 Refocussed (Guide star looked like a comet)`
~03:35 Closed for Cloud
05:00 Reopening after cloud - but an issue with an interlock (dome/instrument rotation?) has forced the TO to go up to the telescope to clear it.
06:05 got on telluric STD. It's definitely clearer - though not clear - but target is hard to identify.
06:35 Swapped back to EFOSC
Then CLOSED for good, almost immediately
UT Target Type Comment
12:55 EG131 STD Still some cloud
01:34 AT2017gwx Classify Looks positively murky. Spectrum blue, Z=0 Balmer series in absorption, Halpha in emission.
01:55 AT2017gwt Classify SN Ia (norm, close to max, Z~0.06)
02:15 AT2017gwy Classify SN Ia (also close to max)
02:30 ATLAS17lau Classify Aimed for the galaxy nucleus in hope, but nothing obvious there: just a faint galaxy spectrum
02:50 Feige 110
03:22 AT2017gww Classify Observed in thickening cloud with GR13. Looks like a young SN type II
06:05 HIP024337_A Telluric
06:15 N113-YSO04_A Acquisition Target not obvious from finding chart
06:53 Feige 110 Aborted