Night report page - 20130405
Observers: Stefan Taubenberger, Stephan Hachinger
Data reduction team: Nancy Elias-Rosa, Antonia Morales-Garoffolo
4th regular night of subrun with EFOSC
Observations w/o problems unless noted otherwise (**). Narrowslit acq. for all spectroscopy targets with result y=992 unless noted otherwise (***).
*** Note: one acq. was accidentally done w/o parallactic angle (no spectrum taken after that acq.) -- for that one, a slit position y=995 was measured.
* Note: in all spetroscopy OBs of this night we set "Perform combined offset" in the
acq. template to "F" (false) in order to avoid an unclear telescope/softw. problem
initial weather cond: humidity ~35%, wind ~ 8m/s, clear sky
middle-of-night weather cond: humidity ~20%, wind ~ 9m/s, clear sky
late-night weather cond: humidity ~20%, wind ~10m/s, clear sky
afternoon arclamps P...calib_onlyarcs OB executed
slit position - specpol OB executed
domeflat - specpol OB executed
arc - specpol OB executed
UT 23:15 start of night
UT 23:15 specpstd HD 80558 (pol) airmass=1.2 gr13 specpol
*observed in twilight
UT 23:25 specpstd HD 90156 (unpol) airmass=1.2 gr13 specpol
*observed in twilight
UT 23:40 specpstd HD 42078 (unpol) airmass=1.2 gr13 specpol
*observed in twilight
--- seeing DIMM 0.6''... 1.0'' ---
UT 23:55 followup OGLE 2012-SN-006 airmass=1.9 UBVRi
--- seeing DIMM 0.7'', image 1.1'' ---
UT 00:40 std. l745A airmass=1.1 gr11/16/13[x2] sl 1.0''
* acq. OK this time w/ finding chart from PESSTO site
* ATTENTION: there were 2 stars in the slit, the weaker one is l745A
--- problems with telescope software / control computers ~80min ---
--- seeing DIMM 0.9'' ---
UT 02:00 followup SN2013ak airmass=1.1 gr11/16 sl 1.0''
UT 02:40 acq. LSQ13tv
** could not find object -- transient is not there on 40 sec. exposure.
--- continuing probems with telescope software, lost ~10min ---
--- seeing DIMM 0.7'' ---
UT 03:00 acq. LSQ13tz
** could not find object -- transient is not there on 20 sec. exposure.
--- seeing DIMM 0.7'', image 0.8'' ---
UT 03:15 class SSS130404:102043-062657 airmass=1.2 gr 13 sl 1.0''
--- seeing image 1.0'' ---
UT 03:45 followup SN2013am airmass=1.4 gr 13 sl 1.0''
--- seeing DIMM 0.8'', image 0.9'' (stars slightly elongated) ---
UT 04:20 followup LSQ13sj airmass=1.1 gr 13 sl 1.0''
UT 06:10 class PSNJ14121396+1550315 airmass=1.4 gr 13 sl 1.0''
--- seeing DIMM 0.9'', image 0.8'' (stars slightly elongated) ---
UT 06:40 followup SN2013K airmass=1.8 UBV
--- seeing DIMM 0.9'', image 1.5'' (stars slightly elongated) ---
UT 07:15 followup SN2013K airmass=1.8 gr 13 sl 1.0''
UT 08:40 followup CSS130403:150213+103846 airmass=1.6 gr 11/16 sl 1.0''
--- seeing DIMM 0.7'', image 1.0'' ---
UT 09:40 followup SN 2009ip airmass=1.8 Bi
*observed in twilight
UT 10:05 std. EG274 airmass=1.1 gr11/16/13[x2] sl 1.0''
*observed in twilight
--- seeing DIMM 0.6-0.7'' ---
UT 10:20 specpstd HD 150474 (unpol) airmass=1.1 gr13 specpol
*observed in twilight
UT 10:30 PESSTO_calib_onlyarcs (arclamps)
PESSTO_bias (bias)
UT 10:50 end of night