Observers: Nic Walton, Nadia Blagorodnova, Matthew Nicholl
Sunset: UT 23:20 / Twilight 00:34 - 09:15 / Sunrise 10:29 LST 6-16hrs
Classification Followup Stds: Tech probs
All times in this report approximate UT (Chilean time currently UT - 3hrs)
EFOSC: All OBs in the 188.D-3003(Q)/VM/EFOSC2 directory on the observers OB Execution machine (wg5dhs)
On wg5dhs - OBs held in /home/visitor/p2pp-impex/nblago
Phot std finders at
Afternoon Calibrations
UT: - Bias runs - PESSTO_bias (11 bias frames - execution time 6 mins)
UT: - Arcs
UT: - Spec Flats
Twilight Calibrations
UT: 2328 - Sky Flats - PESSTO_SkyFF_eve_UBVRi-0
UT: 2335 - Start of night - no clouds - seeing ~0.8
UT: 0000 - image analysis
UT: 0012 - L745 - Spec flux std - g11/13/16 with 1 and 10 arcsec slit (25m OB)
narrow and wide for throughput purposes as sky clear - no cloud
UT: 0040 : FollowUp LSQ12hxg (gr11, gr16) (1h20m)
UT: 0200 - seeing 0.7arcsec
UT: 0205 - technical failure with BOB - crashed as no guide star when going to OGLE2013-SN-016
UT: 0215 - Follow-up PSNJ06161835-2122329 (1x1800s gr11)
UT: 0310 - Classification MLS130302:110652+104026 (gr13) (OB exc 25m)
SNID classifies as Ia 91T at 10 days or a Ic at peak (both z ~0.13) - no host galaxy. An interesting object.
UT: 0335 - Classification OGLE2013-SN-016 (gr13) (25m)
SNID results, all look equally probable : SN Ia interact CSM (epoch -12 days premax) SN IIn, AGN, LBV
No guide star found in advance of moving to field - thus needed a different strategy.
First - go to object via the EFOSC_img_acq_PresetNoGuide template. Then once at the object change the OB to use EFOSC_img_acq_RotateToSlit. (if you use this from the start the tel won't move as it wants to find a guide star - when there isn;t one!).
computed parallactic angle for object (was 89 deg for this time) (
Then added 180deg so that the EFOSC guide field would be on the 'other side' and subtracted 90 to get a rotator angle of 179 - which we set in the OB.
This all worked - we found ONE! guide star - and BOB didn't crash (which it had done with the normal img_acq_MoveToSlit
UT: 0350 - no clouds - photometric - seeing ~0.6 arcsec
UT: 0400 - LTT3864 spec flux std (inc 10arcsec slit in Gm13)
UT: 0415 - FollowUp PSNJ13540068-0755438 (Gm11/16 - OB exc 40m)
UT: 0500 - PSNJ12582492+1235533 (Gm13 - 1200s exp)
SNID classifies: SN 1a (epoch 15days - z ~ 0.085)
UT: 0535 - PSNJ12533306+2742517 (Gm13 - 1000s exp)
SNID classifies: Looks like a Ia ~ 5d before peak; z~0.095
UT: 0610 - FollowUp PSNJ15213475-0722183 (gr11 + gr16) long exposures
Twilight Calibrations
UT: 0930 - EG274 spec std
end of night clear, still good seeing
UT: Bias and Arcs