Observers: Nadia Blagorodnova, Nic Walton
Support team: Morgan Fraser
TAT: Michel Dennefeld & Stefan Taubenberger
Moon - quarter 1 - sets UT 04
Start of night: Wind 3m/s, Humidity 50%. Thin haze, and some clouds on the horizon. DIMM seeing 0.81".
Middle of night: Wind ~5m/s. DIMM seeing ~ 1.3 arcsec, cloud - which cleared by ~ UT 04
End of night: Wind ~2m/s. DIMM seeing _0.9 arcsec. Sky pretty clear
19:00 Bias, Dome Flats and Arcs. Everything looks good.
23.17 Sunset
23:30 Communication with EFOSC not responding. Rebooting wefosc machine.
23:40 VRi skyflat. Aborted as its too dark.
23.52 LTT745a spectrophotometric standard
23.52 Telescope operator image analysis
00:10 PSNJ01440799-6107074 (classification) --> Ia at max
00.30 Twilight
00.30 SKY_J1353283-5757506
2x1800s Gr#16, high cirrus during observing. 1st spectrum ok - second badly affected by cloud
01.50 LSQ14adi (classification) --> Ia (91T) at max, z=0.11
02.20 LSQ14ahc (classification) --> Ia ~7-9 days pre-max, z~0.05
02.35 LSQ14abd
2700s Gr#16 - badly affected by cirrus cloud
No internet connect at La Silla from ~02.35 to ~ 06.10
03.26 PSNJ11450358+1958254 - classification --> Ia ~5d pre-max, z~0.007
03.37 LSQ14an - followup - 4x1800s in Gr13
05.46 Emilia - (re)classification --> 2100s in Gr13 - still featureless spectrum (SNID showing as a Galaxy)
06.35 LSQ14aau - classification --> IIP at +150d, z ~ 0.05
07.10 LSQ14act - classification --> Ia +3d z=0.057
07.35 PS1-14rf - classification --> from acq image, it has moved - thus asteroid
07.37 LSQ14aca - classification --> from acq image --> classified as asteroid
07.52 PS1-14qj - classification --> Ia +7d after max, z=0.13
08.25 LSQ14ahm - classification --> Ia -7d pre max, z=0.046
08.45 LSQ14ahd - classification --> prob G or K star
09.17 Twilight starts
09.20 LSQ14aby - classification --> asteroid (object has moved - checked the acq image). No minor planet at position though.
09.30 LSQ14ael - classification --> acq image only in V --> no object seen - so probably asteroid
09.50 EG274 spectrophotometric standard - 1 and 1.5 arcsec slits.
10.00 LSQ14acj - classification --> acq image only in V --> sky too bright to tell anything.
10:05 Bias
10:10 Dome flats + Arcs