Night Report 2014-10-13
Observers: Felipe Olivares, Hanindyo Kuncarayakti, Paula Zelaya
TAT: Morgan Fraser, Kate Maguire
Data reducers: Santiago Gonzalez, Lluis Galbany
13 Oct 2014: SOFI observations only, for critical follow-ups.
Moon: 65%, rises at midnight (UT 3h).
No classification.
Observing conditions were stable: low humidity/wind, excellent seeing (0.3"-0.8"), but clouds showed up in the 2nd half.
==== L O G ====
SOFI daytime calibrations taken during the afternoon.
THN clouds during twilight & at the start of the night -- EFOSC2 skyflats taken but maybe useless, will have to repeat.
--- DIMM seeing 0.8" ---
UT 00.01 NGC7552-OT K
--- DIMM seeing 0.7" ---
UT 01:00 ASASSN-14il JHK
UT 02:05 ASASSN-14il BG spectroscopy (slit along host long axis) at X=1.1
--- DIMM seeing 0.6", sky THN ---
UT 03:00 image analysis
UT 03:13 CSS140925:005854+181322 JHK
--- DIMM seeing 0.4" ! ---
UT 04:33 NGC772-OT1 HJ
UT 05:35 NGC7552-OT HJ clouds are coming.... but seeing is stable
--- DIMM seeing 0.3" !! but thin scattered clouds ---
UT 06:30 ASASSN-14ha JHK
UT 06:53 ASASSN-14ha BG-RG spectroscopy (slit N-S) at X=1.1
--- DIMM seeing 0.3"-0.4" ---
UT 07:58 Telluric: Hip020378 BG-RG spec at X=1.1
UT 08:05 Flux std: LTT3218 BG-RG spec at X=1.4
UT 08:15 SN2013fc K-template
UT 09:04 END