Night report 2024-06-08

Night report 2024 - 06 - 08

Observers: Katja Matilainen, Christian Vassallo

Support: Thomas Killestein, Panos Charalampopoulos, Niilo Koivisto, Hanin Kuncarayakti

TAT: Priscila J. Pessi,  Xinyue Sheng, Eduardo Concepcion

Afternoon: bias, PESSTO_calib (arcs), Gr18+20 arcs. 

Evening twilight: -

Morning twilight: - 

Start: Weather at UT 00:00: humidity 55%, temperature 3.8C, wind 19.8 m/s. Telescope closed due to high wind.

Mid:  Weather at UT 04:00: humidity 50%, temperature 4.1C, wind 17.1 m/s. Telescope closed due to high wind.

End: Weather at UT 08:00: humidity 55%, temperature xC, wind 16.0 m/s.Telescope closed due to high wind.

Comments: DIMM seeing monitor not working; seeing estimated from imaging.  Telescope closed all night due to high winds and clouds.

Night report 2024-06-08