Observers: Simon Hodgkin, Nadia Blagorodnova, Matthew Nicholl
Sunset: UT 23:19 / Twilight 00:32 - 09:16 / Sunrise 10:29 LST 6-16hrs
Classification Followup Stds: Tech probs
All times in this report approximate UT (Chilean time currently UT - 3hrs)
EFOSC: All OBs in the 188.D-3003(Q)/VM/EFOSC2 directory on the observers OB Execution machine (wg5dhs)
On wg5dhs - OBs held in /home/visitor/p2pp-impex/nblago
Phot std finders at
Afternoon Calibrations
UT: - Bias runs - PESSTO_bias (11 bias frames - execution time 6 mins)
UT: - Spec flats and arcs
Twilight Calibrations
UT: 2325 - Sky flats UBVRi
UT: 2330 - sky conditions good, no clouds, no wind
UT: 2350 - focus - seeing ~1.1 arcsec
UT: 0001 - GD71 - Spec flux std - g11/13/16 with 1 slit (15m OB)
UT: 00?? - FollowUp LSQ12hot g13 (30m exp)
UT: 0105 Classification OGLE19 (15m exposure) airmass=1.9
UT: 0124 - telescope image analysis on RU 152, finished at 01:45, 0.9 arc sec seeing
UT: 0145 RU152 UBV imaging photometric standard
UT: 0206 FollowUp OGLE2013-SN-016 g11 (1h40m)
UT: 0348 FollowUp SN2013ai g11 (1h10m)
UT: 0507 Flux STD (15min) EG274
UT: 0519 PG1323 UBV imaging photometric standard
UT: 0531 FollowUp SSS130221:133330-194457 g11 (2x30m)
UT: 0646 Classification SSS130307:114002-350527 g13 (10m)
UT: 0706 Classification SSS130307:100006-341401 (10m)
UT: 0712 FollowUp SN2013K UBV (30m)
UT: 0745 FollowUp SN2013K gr13 (1h20m)
UT: 0913 Classification PSNJ18 gr13 (5min)
UT: 0925 UBV STD field PG1323
UT: 0932 Flux STD (15min) EG274
UT: 0951 Classification CSS130307:134411+030344 GR13 (10 min) ... looks a bit faint
UT: 1003 Arcs (aborted at end)
Didn't manage to get flatfields for the imager at end of night. Sky still clear.