Night report 2014-09-30
Observers: Chris Ashall, Nic Walton
TAT: kate, stefan
Data reducers: Morgan Fraser, Nadia Blagorodnova
red text=classification
Conditions: good transparency, seeing ~1.0'
UT 23:20: Sky flats BRU
UT 23:22: EG131 standard and image analysis
UT 00:05: LSQ14fmc ~maximum, z=0.188
UT 00:37: OGLE-2014-SN-076 galaxy, not SN
UT 01:11: LSQ14foy SN Ia-91T -1d, z=0.118
UT 01:21: LSQ14fhz SN Ia, +10d, z=0.112
UT 01:53: CSS140925-005854+181322 probably not a SN
wind speed >12, pointing restrictions
UT 02:20: LSQ14efd-phot B(3*300s), VRi(1*200s)
UT 02:50: CSS140925-011731+054106 SN Ia +3ds z=0.114
wind speed is now fine ~10
UT 03:15: CSS140925-002812+070944 gr13
UT 04:00: SN 2014da gr13- confirmation as 91bg like at 51 days
UT 04:15: LSQ14efd spec Gr13 3x2700
UT 08:33: ASASSN-14ha Gr11 Gr16
UT 09:12: PSNJ08174339-3007211 - no spectrum taken, target was not at the given coordinates
UT 09:22: EG 131
end of night seeing ~0.75'