Night report 2025-01-12

Observers: Fabio Ragosta, Irene Salmaso

Support: Roberta Carini, Andrea Melandri, Stefano Benetti

TAT:  Thomas Killestein, Konstantinos Tsalapatas, Timo Kravtsov

Start ( 00:30 UT): Humidity: 75%, Temperature: 18.2 Celsius, Wind speed:  0.5 m/s , Seeing: 0.6''

Middle ( 4:00 UT): Humidity: 66%, Temperature:  13.9 Celsius, Wind speed: 2.6 m/s , Seeing: 0.6''

End ( 8:30 UT):  Humidity 53: %, Temperature: 13.1Celsius, Wind speed: 6.8m/s , Seeing: 1.2''

Calibrations: Afternoon calibrations:  bias, arcs in gr11, gr13, gr16, gr18; Morning calibration: arcs in gr11, gr13, gr16, gr18.

We could not observe  at the beginning of the night because high humidity level and unstable weather conditions. 

Night report 2025-01-12Start(UTC) Target Type Priority Setup Slit(") Exposure(s) Airmass Seeing(") Comment 00:30 AT2022mop followup important gr13 1 1x1500 we couldn't observe it because humidity level at the limit, telescope closed. SN2024abop SN2024aeqs AT2024agfg L745-46a standart - gr16 gr13 1, 1.5 1x100 AT2024wsd 5:25 Dome was opened 5:35 AT2024aegq followup important gr13 1 1800 1.3 0.6 problem with condensation at the camera 6:15 ATLAS25acq class medium gr13 1 900 1.2 0,97 AT2024afjw class medium gr13 1 AT2024afav class medium gr13 1 SN2024adia followup important gr13 1 1x2700 gd153 standard - gr11 gr13 gr16 1, 1.5 1x100