Cumulative scoring system for classification
1) Nearby targets:
- d ≤ 40 Mpc (Vrec ≤ 3000 km/s) => +3 - d ≤ 25 MPc (Vrec ≤ 1800 km/s) => +6
2) Young targets (at classification):
- tclass - (tdisc + tlim)/2 ≤ 4 => +5 - tclass - (tdisc + tlim)/2 ≤ 7 => +2 - tclass - (tdisc + tlim)/2 ≤ 10 => +1
3) Young targets (at discovery):
- tdisc - tlim ≤ 2 => +3 - tdisc - tlim ≤ 5 => +1
4) "Hostless"
- No apparent host galaxy in the discovery image (or fainter than M(B) > -18) => +3
5) Remote location on E/SO & halos of spirals:
- r≥15kpc => +2 - r≥25kpc => +4
6) Multiple-SN hosts
- Host galaxies with more than 3 SNe (including the new one) => +2
7) Star-forming environments
- Arp systems, transients in tidal tails or in dust lanes => +1
8) Peculiar light curves
- Slow light curve rise (≥ 30 days), or fast decline (≥ 1 mag/5days) => +2
9) Alerts
- GRB and/or XRF alerts => +4
10) Absolute magnitude criteria:
- super-luminous transients (M ≤ -20) => +4 - very luminous transients (-20 < M < -19.5) => +2 - very faint transients (-15.5 < M < -14.5) => +2 - ultra-faint transients (M ≥ -14.5) => +4
11) Pre-discovery variability history
- past, pre-SN detections => +3
12) AGN candidate contamination
- transient in the galaxy nucleus => -1
13) Short visibility window
- object that cannot be follow for more than 3 weeks => -5
Notes: - tclass = is the time when the classification is expected to be performed; tdisc = is the time of the earliest detection; tlim = is the epoch of the latest pre-discovery limit. - for the host galaxy distance use spectroscopic-z when available, otherwise photo-z; the webpage with the classification targets should contain all the information useful for computing the cumulative score (z, interstellar extinction, cross-ref with catalogues and circulars/astronomic telegrams, visibility window, current relative position of the moon, etc...)