ePESSTO+ @Stockholm, 16th-17th April (Cancelled/postponed!)

The up coming ePESSTO+ will be hosted at the Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm University, Sweden. 

We will have a full day meeting on 16th (Thursday) and finish around 1pm on 17th (Friday).

(2020-02-06 updated) The TDE science group will have a meeting on 15th (Wednesday) between 12:30 and 17:30.

2020-03-22. Cancelled/postponed! 

Meeting location:  Roslagstullsbacken 21, Stockholm

Do not hesitate to contact LOC in case you have any further questions!

LOC: Cristina Barbarino, Leonardo Tartaglia, Tassilo Schweyer, Jesper Sollerman, Janet Chen


We thank Prof. Peter Lundqvist for his generous support of the meeting! 

NEWS (12 March 2020 updated):

The ePESSTO+ meeting in April gets postponed. 

Because this Coronavirus situation is getting worse and many institutes are encouraging their employees to limit their travels. 

The meeting is likely to be postponed to September in *Granada* hosted by Lluís, but not fully determined. 

We will send out a doodle to ask your availability again in the upcoming months. 

We appreciate for your patience and understanding. 

If you have any question please contact us. 

Registration (by 25th of March):

*no registration fee required

(add your name here + length of stay + talk (yes/no) + Dinner (Thus.) + Dietary req.

1. Cosimo Inserra + 15-18 + yes + yes + vegeterian

2. Jesper Sollerman + 15-17 + no + yes + none

3. Lluís Galbany + 15-18 + yes + yes + none

4. Cristina Barbarino + 15-17 + no + yes + lactose intolerance

5. Silvia Piranomonte +15-18 + no + no + vegetarian

6. Joe Anderson + 15-17 + yes + yes + none

7. Janet Chen + 15-17 + yes + yes + none

8. Anders Nyholm + 15-17 + no + yes + none

9. Claudia Gutiérrez + 15-17 + yes + yes + none

10. Giorgos Leloudas + 15-17 + no + yes + none

11. Panos Charalampopoulos + 15-17 + yes + yes +none

12. Eleonora Parrag  + 15-18 + no + yes + none

13. Mariusz Gromadzki + 14-17 + yes + yes + none 

14. Thomas Wevers + 15-17 + no + yes + none

15. Matt Nicholl + 15-17 + no + yes + none

16. Phil Short + 15-17 + yes + yes + vegetarian

17. Nada Ihanec + 15-17 + yes + yes + none

18. Rupak Roy + 15-17 + yes + yes + none

Getting to Oskar Klein Centre:


*For international flight, please choose to Arlanda Airport.

Sweden is "cash free" country, please make sure you bring a debit card to purchase. 

Recommended accommodation:

Elite Hotel Arcadia (https://www.elite.se/sv/hotell/stockholm/hotel-arcadia/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIyeH88oyQ5wIVAeaaCh1NSQSYEAAYAyAAEgItjvD_BwE)

900m from AlbaNova. No discount codes available (sorry) !

Hotel Birger Jarl (http://www.birgerjarl.se/), cheeper than Arcadia

1.3 Km from AlbaNova (you can also take bus 61, last stop: Ruddamen, 100 m from AlbaNova)

Short term accommodation at Stockholm University Guesthouse (https://www.su.se/english/staff/relocation/planning-your-stay/accommodation-for-visiting-researchers/short-term-accommodation-at-stockholm-university-guesthouse-1.277211)

Very basic studio apartments mainly for students, a few minutes from AlbaNova using local train ~50 EUR per night, contact us if you are interested.

Conference dinner (participants pay their own):

More info soon!