Night report 2024-09 -07

Night report

Observers: Mauricio Ramirez (UNAB), Bastian Ayala (UNAB)

Support: Raya Dastidar (UNAB), Amit Kumar (Warwick)

TAT: Lluís Galbany, Anwesha Sahu, Amit Kumar (Warwick)

Start: 23:17 UT, humidity 9%, wind speed 3.1 m/s, seeing 1.3

Middle: 4:01 UT, humidity 7.3%, wind speed 4.3 m/s, seeing 1.1 

End: 09:30 UT, humidity 8%, wind speed 4.5 m/s, seeing  ??

Sky flat UBVRi at the start of the night

Closed at 08:40 due to clouds

UT target type setup slit exposures airmass seeing

23:17 AT2024mov class g11 1 1800 1.69 1.4

00:04 eg131 STD g11-16-13 1-1.5 - 1.1 0.8

00:20 AT2024ulg class g13 1 600 1.6 1.1

00:36 SN2023oz follow up ph r-band - 9x200 1.52 1.2

01:26 SN2024pxl follow up g13 1 1800 1.54 1.3

01:58 SN2024plj follow up g13 1 2700 1.78 1.3

02:57 SN2024rmj follow up g11-16 1 2x1800 2.2 1.2

04:01 Feige110 STD g11-16-13 1-1.5 - 1.12 1.1

04:25 AT2024uku class g13 1 900 1.47 1.2

04:49 SN2024nrw follow up g11-g16 1 2x1800 1.15 1.2

06:03 SN2023rve follow up g13 1 2700 1.13 1.3

06:59 AT2024ulu Class g13 1 900 1.49 1.2

07:24 AT2022jzy follow up ph i,g band - 5x200 each 1.13 1.1  (filter r canceled - clouds)