Night report 2024-12-09

Night report 2024-12-09

Observers: Rita Santos and João Duarte

Support: Mat Smith, Melzie Ghendrih, Andrew Milligan, Georgios Dimitriadis

TAT: Michel Dennefeld, Amit Kumar, Giuliano Pignata

Start (02:02 UT): humidity 30%, temperature 16.1ºC, wind speed 1.2m/s,  seeing 1.4

Middle (04:55 UT): humidity 16%, temperature 17.2ºC, wind speed 3.6m/s,  seeing 1.4

End (07:48 UT): humidity 20%, temperature 16.1ºC, wind speed 2.4m/s,  seeing 1.0

Calibrations: Afternoon calibrations --  bias, spec flats + BVg, arcs in gr11,  g13, gr16. Morning calibrations -- arcs in gr11,  g13, gr16

Comments: Night with overall good seeing.

Night report 09-12-2024