Night Report 2016-07-30
Observing: Morgan Fraser, Tom Reynolds
Support Team: Seppo Mattila
TAT: Lluís Galbany, Stefan Taubenberger
Weather conditions
End of night: Clouds caused closure, but reopened. Seeing ~1"
Start of night: Some thin cloud, seeing ~1"
Middle of night: Thin clouds at horizon, seeing ~1"
23:33 End of twilight
00:06 AT2016eiy (follow-up): Gr11+Gr16, slit 1.0", 900s each. Mis-acquired initially, took spectrum of nearby bright source, lost ~40 mins
01:35 SN2016adj (follow-up): Attempted to acquire for spectrum, could not reliably find object. Took 3x100s i-band imaging to determine if object still present
01:57 Standard, LTT7379
02:16 LSQ15adm (follow-up): Bgi 9x200s, Vr 6x200s. Small software fault cost 5-10 minutes
05:06 Attempted image analysis as there was evidence of PSF distortion in final LSQ15adm images. Actuator problem caused downtime for ~40 minutes
05:48 OGLE15sd (follow-up): 12x200s r
06:40 ASASSN16hw (classification): SN Ia, pre max, approx -5 days
06:49 AT2016egz (follow-up): Gr13, slit 1.0", 1200s (also refocused)
07:20 OGLE15qz (follow-up): 9x200s g
08:00 PSNJ2150 (follow-up): took spectrum of what we thought was target, was nearby source. Target was very faint, not detected in acquisition image
10:00 SN2009ip (follow-up): 2x100s r, 10x150s i
10:06 Start of twilight
10:45 Standard, VMA2, only 1" slit
Quite cloudy, unable to take skyflats
Evening: EFOSC biases, spec flats
Start of night: Had to restart TCS, prevented us from taking skyflats
22:55 Image analysis
23:13 SN2016ase (follow-up): Gr13, slit 1.0", 2700