Night Report 2019-01-29
Observers: Silvia Piranomonte, Roberta Carini
Support Team: S. Benetti, L. Tomasella, A. Fiore
TAT: Janet Chen, Matt Nicholl, Steve Williams
flat, arcs gr11, gr13, gr16 (evening )
Start: Humidity 79%,
Middle: (5:40 UT ) Humidity 58%, we start to observe, the seeing is very bad, there are some technical problems
00:30 ut: the humidity is too high, we are closed
05:40 ut: the TO opens the dome, we can observe, but there are some technical problems.the seeing is about 2.2"
Instrument - EFOCS
UT Target Type Setup airmass Seeing texp notes
06:05 LTT3864 STD gr11,gr16,gr13,slit1,1.5 1.01 1.7"
06:27 SN2019jf follow-up gr13,sl 1.5 1.20 1.6" 1x1800s
07:10 GRB190129B r,R 1.75 1.8" 2x120s grb is not visible
07:21 GRB190129B r 1.85 1.8" 2x240s
07:45 SN2019so follow-up g11 g16, sl1.5 1.04 1.8" 2x1800s at the end seeing 1.08"
09:11 LTT3864 STD gr11,gr16,gr13,1.5 1.2 1.08