Observers: Lukasz Wyrzykowski, Nadia Blagorodnova, Matthew Nicholl
Sunset: UT 23:06 / Twilight 00:18 - 09:24 / Sunrise 10:36 LST 6-16hrs
Classification Followup Stds: Tech probs
All times in this report approximate UT (Chilean time currently UT - 3hrs)
EFOSC: All OBs in the 188.D-3003(Q)/VM/EFOSC2 directory on the observers OB Execution machine (wg5dhs)
On wg5dhs - OBs held in /home/visitor/p2pp-impex/nblago
Phot std finders at
Flats in UBV
Image analysis
UT: 2350 Flux std L745a (15 min)
UT: 0006 Photometric std RU152 (5 min)
UT: 0018 FollowUp SN2012fr Gr#11+16 (1 h 10m)
Image analysis
UT: 0130 FollowUp OGLE-2013-SN-006 UBV (25 min)
UT: 0203 FollowUp SN2013ai Gr#13 (2x1800s ~ 1 h 10 min)
UT: 0322 FollowUp OGLE-2013-SN-016 Gr#11 (2x1800s ~ 1hr)
UT: 04:25 Classification PSNJ07475117-1844586 (20 min)
UT: 0445 Flux std eg274 (10 min)
UT: 0457 Photometric std PG1047 (5 min)
UT: 0507 Classification SSS130312:140859-165709 (20 min)
UT: 0527 FollowUp LSQ13fn Gr#11+16 (2x2400s each ~ 2 h 50 min)
UT: 0833 FollowUp SSS130221:133330-194457 UB (25 min)
UT: 0856 Photometric std PG1323 (5 min)
UT: 0901 Flux std eg274 (10 min)
UT: 0919 Classification PSNJ22154081-4551086 (10 min)
Finished on twilight.