Night Report 2021-05-21
Observers: Miika Pursiainen, Panos Charalampopoulos
Support: Giorgos Leloudas, Emmy Paraskeva
TAT: Claudia Gutierrez, Janet Chen, Georgios Dimitriadis
EFOSC Calibrations:
Bias, dome_flats, arcs taken in the afternoon.
Start: Thick couds, humidity ~60%
Middle: No clouds, humidity ~35%, wind 5m/s, seeing ~2"
End: No clouds, humidity ~20%, seeing ~2"
Comments (times in UT):
Moon is bright during this subrun!!
23:00: Telescope closed due to thick clouds
23:19: Sunset twilight
23:30: Clouds getting thinner
23:55: Telescope opens
00:15: Issue with Telescope adaptor. Something to do with the guide probe. TOs are working hard to fix it.
00:35: Temporary fix found
04:00: Communication issue with the TO resulted in us believing we were observe in seeing <1.5" conditions, while in reality the seeing was >2.0". This in turn meant mistaken usage of slit of 1" for fmu and foa.
Sunrise twilight: 9:59 UT