Night report 2019-12-06

Observers: Thomas Wevers, Nada Ihanec

Support TeamMariusz Gromadzki, Emma Callis

TAT: Lluís Galbany, Michel Dennefeld, Shubham Srivastav, Phil Wiseman


EFOSC daytime calibrations (biases, flats and arcs)

Sky flats grz (evening)


Start: Humidity 45%, wind speed 3 m/s, seeing:1.6 ".

Middle: Humidity 35%, wind speed 4 m/s , seeing: 1.3" 

End : Humidity 30%, wind speed 6 m/s, seeing: 1"


Bright moon & poor seeing at the start of the night. Conditions appeared to improve over the course of the night, but pretty variable.
